Cue and Review Recording Service - Print Speaking to the Blind provides daily uploads to the British Wireless Fund for the Blind's Sonata Service of articles from The Herald, Evening Times, Radio Times Scotland and Inside Soap. While also providing a twice weekly mash up of these titles on cassette. We are now also inviting sister TNs to email us if they wish access to our dropbox service where they can download and then add the mp3 of that week’s titles to their usb stick service. Even better all of this is FREE!
Evening Times Publication frequency: Daily- 8 daily articles chosen from the Evening Times uploaded to Sonata Internet Radio and available as mp3 files to be added to weekly local TNs USB sticks. A weekly audio cassette is available of this service. Herald Scotland Publication frequency: Daily - 16 individual articles taken each week day from Scotland's premier title. Uploaded as individual articles to Sonata Internet Radio and then offered as mp3 files for local TNs to add to their USB sticks and as cassette once a weekly for people still using this format. Inside Soap Publication frequency: Weekly - Uploaded as individual soaps to Sonata a different soap is uploaded each day. This service can be made available to local TNs for their USB sticks. Radio Times Scotland Publication frequency: Weekly - The five main TV channels added to Sonata across the week. Uploaded as morning, afternoon and evening listings.