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Directory – Enfield Talking Newspaper

Enfield Talking Newspaper
Contact Name
Diane de Jersey
Publication Frequency
Distribution Methods
USB Stick, Website, Podcast

Did you see that story in the local newspaper?  The notice about the school fete?  The sign on the lamppost? For some of our neighbours, the answer is no.  That's why the Enfield Talking Newspaper exists.  For fifty years we have been providing blind and visually impaired people in Enfield with a free weekly tape covering the kind of local information that is hard to access - even in our internet age.  The sort of information that helps people stay connected to their community. We provide a free weekly news tape to blind and partially sighted people in Enfield.  Founded in 1961, the Enfield Talking Newspaper is one of the oldest in the country.  We began life by wheeling around an old 'reel to reel' tape on the back of a bicycle to each house in turn.  Today we provide an audio cassette to 300 listeners every week, sent free of charge with the kind support of Royal Mail. There are two main stages to produce each edition.  The master recording takes place every Thursday. There are five teams, each covering a week in rotation, with an editor, four readers and a recordist.  The Production Team works on a Friday evening.  They erase the returned tapes and duplicate the new edition using our speed copiers.  They prepare wallets for issue to our listeners. 2011 - We celebrated our 50th Anniversary 2009 - We won the "Community Team" Award in Enfield's Finest Awards 2001 - Our 1000th Edition was recorded and we celebrated 40 years 1997 - We received a Lottery Grant to buy six new speed copiers


Enfield Advertiser Publication frequency: Weekly Enfield Gazette Publication frequency: Weekly Enfield Independent Publication frequency: Weekly

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