Sandwell Talking News is for people with visual impairments who live within the borough of Sandwell in the West Midlands. Sandwell is part of the Black Country and is bordered by the towns of Birmingham, Dudley, Walsall and Wolverhampton. Sandwell TN is a weekly digest of articles from Sandwell Express and Star plus an increasing amount of home grown material. This includes information about equipment, technology, arts, local history and social activities. Sandwell TN was first produced in 1979. Over the years it has been recorded in various locations, including people’s own homes. We are making the most of new technology to get the paper out to as many listeners as we can. You can listen to Sandwell TN online on the website of Sandwell Visually Impaired, a local user-led organisation or via playlists created through Wireless for the Blind. Many of our listeners don’t use the internet, so Sandwell TN also operates as a postal service to listeners in target areas in the borough, thanks to funding from a number of Community First Panels and the West Bromwich Community Chest Fund. These have helped us buy equipment to circulate the news on returnable USB pen drives which can be played on special USB players that we have bought as part of the project. We can also offer the news on CD. Future funding will enable us to circulate our audio news offering borough-wide. So far we have taken the Sandwell Talking News to Oldbury, Cradley Heath and Old Hill and West Bromwich and Tipton.
Directory – Sandwell Talking Newspaper
Sandwell Talking Newspaper
West Bromwich
Contact Name
Tony Averis
0121 525 4810
Publication Frequency
Distribution Methods
CD, USB Stick, Website, Email, Telephone, BWBF Bumblebee, BWBF TN App, Amazon Alexa