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Directory – Stevenage & North Herts Talking Newspaper

Stevenage & North Herts Talking Newspaper
Contact Name
Ian Hanks
Publication Frequency
Distribution Methods
USB Stick, BWBF TN App

Our distribution area includes the towns of Baldock, Hitchin, Letchworth, Royston & Stevenage, as well as the surrounding villages in north Hertfordshire and south-east Bedfordshire. Each Thursday we read and record articles of news and general interest, readers’ letters and information from the week’s editions of The Comet and the Royston Crow. We also include recordings from a variety of weekly and monthly magazines which we download under license from the RNIB, giving about 45 minutes of local news and hours of magazine content. Every Thursday, the local news items are recorded remotely by our team of readers on their smart phones using a recording app. The recordings are copied onto USB flash drives and distributed by post to our listeners on Fridays (via the Royal Mail's free ‘Articles for the Blind’ arrangement), usually arriving on Saturday. We provide our listeners with an easy-to-use audio player to play the USB memory sticks, for which we make no charge.

  • The Comet Publication frequency: Weekly - Local newspaper covering Stevenage & surrounding towns and villages, with three editions providing some variations in content (Stevenage, Hitchin, and Letchworth editions). Publication Day: Thursday. Owner: Archant
  • The Royston Crow Publication frequency: Weekly - Local newspaper covering Royston & surrounding villages. Publication Day: Thursday. Owner: Archant
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