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Directory – Stockport Talking Newspaper

Stockport Talking Newspaper
Contact Name
Paul Ramsden
Publication Frequency
Distribution Methods
USB Stick, Telephone, BWBF Bumblebee, BWBF TN App, Amazon Alexa

Stockport Talking Newspaper was founded in 1977 by local optician Granville Jones. We record a selection of news items from the weekly edition of the Stockport Express on to memory stick. This takes up about an hour and we add other items of particular interest to blind and partially sighted people of Stockport.  Currently this is mainly briefings from Infosound or a monthly What's-on listing for the Stockport area. We can also send our memory stick to any ex residents of the borough living away. A specially adapted memory stick player is available on free loan if required. In addition we issue a monthly recording of general interest items such as local history, travel experiences and seasonal items. We also provide a transcription service for local organisations to record their printed material onto CD, with the funds so raised supporting our free weekly service.

  • Stockport Express Publication frequency: Weekly
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