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Directory – Talking News Islington

Talking News Islington
Contact Name
Elizabeth Jones
Publication Frequency
Distribution Methods
Talking News Islington or TNI (because we felt ITN might cause confusion with a slightly better known Television News organisation) is a relatively small talking newspaper with currently just over 100 listeners. We record monthly, with news from the previous two weeks or so where it is still relevant, plus items from sources such as listeners' letters and pensioners' forums. We record items on community safety and services, many of which are now sent to us direct for inclusion. We also try to include amusing items and sometimes music to cheer the spirits. The Christmas party for our listeners seems to have been generally appreciated too. Islington Council kindly provides rooms to record, copy and prepare for posting once a month at the "Islington Outlook" centre, plus storage space where our equipment can be locked away between sessions. The centre was set up to support physically disabled people as well as people with visual and hearing impairments, to pursue their interests and improve their job prospects and staff are keen to help and maintain our operation. This year we have been very pleased to welcome, as our patron, the well known actor and local resident Kenneth Cranham.
Islington Gazette Publication frequency: Weekly - Weekly newspaper givng local news and views. Islington Life Publication frequency: Quarterly - A residents' magazine prodcued by the local council. Islington Tribune Publication frequency: Weekly - Weekly free newspaper covering our area.
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