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Post Covid green shoots for TNs

Alan Dunderdale writes: “As TNF’s Development Trustee, I am now feeling happy.” And it’s all down to an increase in TN activity.

Covid caused so many problems – from TNs not being allowed into their studios, TN closures and loss of volunteers who didn’t want to mix with others.  

But I am so pleased to say that I am now starting to see green shoots starting to come through. TNF has started getting questions from people enquiring about receiving a local Talking Newspaper, and local TNs have started asking for assistance with new kit. I’ve also heard from someone aiming to launch a TN in an area that lost one previously.

TNF has a host of experienced people who can help you with any TN problems you may be facing. If you need help with your TN, Please contact and we will do whatever we can to help you. We want to sort out a problem before it becomes a big issue.

TNF has a wonderful selection of new things available to assist TNs’ progress, from Studio in the Cloud to Talk Phone, and we can link you up with wonderful BWBF Alexa service.

We have the skills to help your TN. You just need to ask.

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