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Our Supporters

Our Supporters are charities and commercial companies that support the work of TNF and the local TNs. Below you will find short paragraphs to advertise their products, services and show contact details.

British Wireless for the Blind Fund (BWBF)

BWBF is a registerd charity and has been supplying specially adapted radio equipment to registered blind and partially sighted people for over 80 years. They keep up to date with technology and supply Duet 2 (DAB/FM), Concerto 2 (DAB/FM) with cassette/CD/USB/SD and Sonata (Internet Radio/Audio Player). Any of these sets may be supplied on free loan to those who fall within our criteria.  Their website can be found at: 

Calibre Audio Library

Calibre Audio Library is a registered national charity that brings the freedom to read to those who are blind, partially sighted, dyslexic or have some other disability, such as MS or Parkinson’s, and are unable to access print. We have nearly 14,000 members borrowing books from our extensive, unabridged library, via our free postal service on CD and memory stick, streamed online or downloaded using Calibre’s free app. Members come from across the UK, Europe and now countries who have ratified the Marrakesh Treaty. Calibre Audio Library’s aim is that anyone with a disability that prevents them from reading standard print should still be able to enjoy an audiobook.  Their website can be found at:

Advanced Digital Research (UK) Ltd (Formerly Graff of Newark Ltd)

As a UK manufacturer Advanced Digital Research (UK) Ltd have been supplying duplicating, recording and playback equipment along with advice and support to TNs for over 30 years.  We can discuss individual requirements for whatever audio format your TN requires; i.e. CD, Memory Stick etc. Most of thier products for TNs include a 2 year warranty and have full engineering support fromtheir Newark Office.  If it’s simple, straightforward advice you require. Their website can be found at:  

Verlingue ( Formerly ICB Group UK)

Verlingue are the insurance brokers who research and manage the insurance policies for members of the TNF. We are extremely grateful to them for their help and support. Contact details: Redhill Office, Forum House, 41 – 51 Brighton Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 6YS Tel: 020 8290 6900.  For more information about the services they provide please visit:

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