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Free quality TN content from TNF Soundings

TNF Soundings Editor Heather Bolton writes: Soundings is the audio library run by TNF, providing free, quality news and features designed specifically for our member Talking Newspapers. You can find our current articles online at

With content from local newspapers in decline in many areas, Soundings is a good source of audio material to top up your own locally produced audio.  On average, five to six new articles are added to Soundings every week, including newsy ‘Information’ articles and more general ‘Time Out’ features such as poems, biographies and quizzes.

All the content is produced by our brilliant team of Soundings volunteers, it’s free to use and – as long as it is used without editing – it is all copyright compliant.

Soundings offers several regular features in both the Information and Time Out categories. With the aim of helping TN editors to schedule Soundings content to fit with local publishing dates, we have developed a plan setting out when we hope to publish regular items between June and December 2024. 

Please note that these are planned dates and may sometimes be subject to change. However, we hope that by letting you know when we expect to publish Soundings ‘regulars,’ this will help your editorial teams plan ahead and make maximum use of Soundings material.

There will, of course, continue to be additional Information and Time Out articles covering one-off topics and these will be available alongside the following regular items:

  • Audio described TV suggestions – weekly, usually on a Wednesday
  • Radio listening ideas – weekly, usually on a Wednesday
  • Quizzes – fortnightly
  • ‘Blind Baker’ recipes – every four weeks
  • Gardening – monthly, usually early in the month
  • Audio Crosswords – monthly.
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